Welcome to the project
"Silent Music"!

Studio "Silent Music" was created by composer & guitarist Kirill Voljanin.
http://www.kirillvoljanin.ru/, https://www.facebook.com/voljanin

We give modern and talented musicians an opportunity for discovering
their talents and drifting apart from vague cheap tunes.
We assist in recording and issuing printed music, organizing public
performances, videotaping, photography sessions. It is also a good opportunity
for making your contribution to culture and education of children.
Studio is the result of joint creative efforts of people who have
perceived the positive effect of playing living music.
We invite to cooperation all of you, who have interest in “Silent Music”
and hope that we can do much together!
Contact: Director of project "Silent Music" - Aleksandr Ladygin
e-mail: guitarconcert@yandex.ru

Frauchi Guitar Quartet

The quartet founded in 2012 with the support of Alexander Frauchi International Guitar Competition and Festival http://alexanderfrauchi.com/frauchi-2/?lang=en. All members of the group - talented, original musicians. Each of them is the winner of international competitions. The idea of creating this group originates from a prominent Russian guitarist, Professor Alexander Frautschi. The legendary musician has created a quartet, in which he played with his best students. Their repertoire includes works of from the Baroque period to contemporary composers. In 2013 the quartet recorded album has recorded at Studio "Silent Music", which immediately became a collectible among fans of classical music. The recording took place in a specially designed room historic manor house in a historical place of Moscow, and was named symbolically - "Recognition"

Rovshan Mamedkuliev

Laureate of Russian and
international competitions. In 2012 Rovshan Mamedkuliyev won the one of the
prestigious competitions for classical guitar - XXX International Competition
GFA (Guitar Foundation of America) (Charleston, USA).
Boris Ulybyshev

Peculiarity of this musician -
guitar playing the manner guslyar. Boris writes music in various styles, at the
same time not departing from and classics.
Russia's first guitar musical "Find Love and die!"

Musical based on the story written by Konstantin Paustovsky "Creeks where plashy trout." Authors - Konstantin Kinst & Kirill Voljanin. It is a beautiful performance about the bright and tragic love against the backdrop of the War of 1812.

Audio version available on music.yandex.ru
Duet "Russian Guitar"

Sand-art (sand animation) is a
fashionable contemporary art. It is breathtaking to see all movements of
artist’s hands on a big screen, follow a gradually unfolding plan of the
performance and surprising and unexpected plot twists. Nevertheless, the
genuine beauty of this art can be revealed with a program and live music, which
delivers a completeness into the performance.
Many composers, such as Antonio Vivaldi and Pyotr Tchaikovsky, appealed
to a topic of seasons. Talented musicians felt a subtle interconnections
between the nature and people. Indeed, people have always depended in some way
on the mood of the heaven. Nature elements always have evoked melancholy,
euphoria or daydreaming thus providing artists with an infinite source of inspiration.
And even now, in the age of urbanism, heardwarming of the nature still attracts
people, who have not lost a sense of true beauty. That is why nowadays art,
that can melt our hearts, becomes more urgent than ever.
‘The Four Seasons’ is made for the rest of the soul, for a brief escape
from this world to another one, that is always wonderful and attractive. During
the concert you will be fascinated by the music and will not be able to take
your eyes off the movements of sand. Original compositions by Kirill Volzhanin
sound as if they have been specially created for these movements. A classical
guitar in the hands of the author and the hands of the artist Lily Chistina
will give you an unforgettable experience!